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Islamic Mataram Kingdom History - DPSD UII

Islamic Mataram Kingdom History

This book contains about Islamic Mataram Kingdom history especially in ancient era. For example, it discusses regarding Plered heritage. History of Plered Field­Town Square (Alun­Alun), Kauman Pleret Mosque in Historical Perspective, and Javanese Culture and Royal Tradition. An effort to reveal the past.
This simple book can be read and learnt by all people who take their interests in history more. Not only historian, but also scholar at all. Because this manuscript explores and reveals the hidden artefacts of ancient Pleret. Instead worldwide civilian, Indonesian do not understand about these material culture.

Harga Rp50.000,00
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Ukuran: 145mm x 21mm x 5mm (PanjangxLebarxTinggi)
Berat: 150 g



Kategori Agama, Sosial, Umum
Penulis Shubhi Mahmashony Harimurti, S.S., M.A.; Tria Novita Shofienatussolihah Zenitha Rahman; Karimatul Afifah Aprilliani Rindy Nur Bulan Jannah; Sofya Azahara Natasya Zahwa; Bella Lutfiah Diana Laila Noerjanah; Abidullah Adel Khush Rukh Shoukat; Zinab Abdulqader Abdullah Al-aidaros Nada Rahmadini; Sanabel Maulida Alnaf si Amelia Putri Hulopi; Aris; Ashila Fitria Nanda Esa Wahyu Nurrafi’u; Artika Diah Eka Putri
Penerbit UII Press
ISBN Masih dalam proses
Jumlah halaman 106